wears the trousers magazine

diane cluck: live at cargo 11/06/08
June 24, 2008, 8:12 pm
Filed under: live, review | Tags: , , , , ,

Diane Cluck / Emmy The Great / Younghusband
Live at Cargo, Shoreditch •••
June 11th, 2008

Diane Cluck
Live at Café Oto, Dalston •••••
June 18th, 2008

The annual visit of Diane Cluck to British soil unfailingly provokes something close to quiet hysteria in the Wears The Trousers office. The very mention of her name sets our bottom lips aquiver and our eyes to dew like lovers’.

There are two things one can guarantee when Diane is in town: enrapturing and Emmy The Great. So enamoured with Ms. Cluck is Ms. The Great that she somehow shoehorns her way onto any bill that Diane might be playing. She’s even written her into a song. And why not? As far as Wears The Trousers is concerned, the more songs by, about or featuring Diane Cluck, the better.

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