wears the trousers magazine

free music friday: sarah blasko
July 10, 2009, 11:33 am
Filed under: free music friday, mp3, review, video | Tags: , , ,

fmf_sarahblaskoSarah Blasko
‘No Turning Back’

Three years on from her award-winning breakthrough What The Sea Wants, The Sea Will Have, Australian singer-songwriter Sarah Blasko returns with her third album As Day Follows Night, a simpler yet still stylistically bold offering recorded in Sweden with producer Björn Yttling (Lykke Li, Robyn) earlier this year. The dozen songs run through various styles we’ve never heard before from Sarah, taking in jazz, vaudeville and flamenco guitar, always crisp and allowing plenty of space for Sarah’s expressive, playful voice to take command.

Released today in Australia, the album will most likely take some time in making its way across the world (officially at least), so preview track ‘No Turning Back’ will have to suffice for now. It’s perhaps a strange choice for a single as it’s not particularly radio friendly. A steady drum beat is accentuated variously by low-end piano and parps of brass, given added drama with crashing and reverberating cymbals, before it all strips back to a very simple bridge of acoustic guitar and swooping backing vocals. The repetition of the lyrics is cleverly handled as Sarah’s vocal becomes more quavery, more insistent, even desperate sounding, as the song progresses. In short, it’s a grower. MP3 after the jump.

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